Friday, May 31, 2019
Beware of Your Washing Machine and its Shiftless Partner, the Dryer :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Bew are of Your Washing Machine and its Shiftless Partner, the Dryer Professors comment This scholarly persons writing embodies a peculiar configuration of literary polish, linguistic facility, playful authorial self-awareness, and unadulterated goofiness. It is proudly, but not without trepidation, that I submit this act to 123HelpMe and unleash the elegant lunacy of Rob Geis upon an unsuspecting world. Around the world, across America, even here in town, there is a crime occurringa robbery of unguessed proportions and most of us arent even aware of it.It happens every week, yet we blithely aid and abet the criminals, willingly, if unconsciously, destroying the evidence of their heinous offence. These criminals are everywhere. They can unremarkably be found working in pairs. They lurk in the dark corners of our home, or even in well-lit shops. The patrons of these storefront locations cast furtive glances at wholeness another, feeding coins into slots as they are slowly, qui etly robbed of their most prized possessions. I am talking about, of course, a theft of laundry. The criminals are your washing machine and its shiftless partner, the dryer. Manufacturers of these indirect devices paint them white in order to enhance their image of cleanliness and honesty, but behind this friendly exterior there lies a crafty heart. Laundromat models are even equipped with glass doors. Through these doors, we watch, hypnotized, as our belongings are spun away from us. While discussing this laundry larceny, I refer not to the occasional petty(prenominal) pilferage of the odd argyle sock, in which every washer/dryer seems to indulge. This well-known and carefully documented occurrence is merely the tip, as it were, of the iceberg. Long misunderstood as pure coincidence, the lost-sock phenomenon was finally explained in an episode of the cartoon Ren and Stimpy. In this episode, the two fearless adventurers travel to an alternate universe, where they find an extremely smelly planet, which contains, amongst other heterogeneous items, all the socks that have ever disappeared from our world. In retrospect, this kleptomaniacal attitude toward socks should have tipped me, of all people, off a little sooner. I have come to discern that I have been granted the gift of the Virgo, which is my astrological sign. Virgos are renowned for their attention to detail, although there are a few unenlightened souls who refer to us as obsessive/compulsive at best and anal-retentive at worst.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Whos Responsible for the Death of Eva Smith? :: An Inspector Calls J.B. Priestly Essays
Whos Responsible for the Death of Eva Smith?An Inspector Calls is a present written by J.B. Priestly. Although theplay was stack in 1912, it was actually written in 1947. It was writtenafter the events that were mentioned in the play, like the First WorldWar and the sinking of the Titanic. It is estimation that J. B.Priestlys experience in World War One inspired him to write a storyabout how cruelly humans treat each other. In the 1910s there was alot of cruelty and discrimination because of the different classes.The upper classes were cruel to the lower class because they werepoorer and worked for the upper classes. Priestly wrote the play tomake people aware of the affable differences and how nasty people treateach other. If the upper classes were less pompous and treated thelower classes the same as everybody else, the countrys wealth wouldbe more equally spread so there wouldnt be as much discrimination.An Inspector Calls is a play which forces the audience to realisethat ev ery judgement made, every act taken, has an effect onanother person.Priestly was well known for his involvement in human rights issues. Hebecame known as The voice of the common peopleThe play An Inspector Calls was written to carry an audience abouthuman cruelty. The inspector was there to show the family how nastythey are and he is seek to make them cogitate about what they have doneto make Eva kill herself. The inspector may have represented J.B.Priestly and he used the family to show the audience how he feelsabout the cruelty that goes on.The Inspector could have been a spirit, the name sounds like ghoul -Goole. He could have been representing the ghost of Eva Smith and hewas trying to show the family how much they made Eva suffer. This canbe shown by what the inspector saidA pretty, lively sort of girl who never did anybody any harm. But shedied in misery and agony-hating life- and She was here alone,friendless, almost penniless, desperate. She needed not only money butadvi ce, sympathy, friendliness.The inspector may have represented the voice of conscience. Priestly ground the inspector on his views of every day society. The inspectorwas annoyed with the upper classes because of the way they treated thelower classes. That might be the way Priestly thought and he wastrying to get his points of view noticed by putting them into a playwhere many people would take notice. Priestly was also trying to saythat society as a whole is responsible for tragedies, no one person
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
handmaids tale Essay -- essays research papers
The central social hierarchy within the novel is the gender hierarchy, placing men in a position of extreme power. This is lucid in every aspect of the book, as the entire Gilead caller is male dominated. The Commander is at the top of the hierarchy and is involved with designing and establishing the current society taking control of a nation of women, and exploiting their power by controlling what is taught, what they can teach themselves and the words that they can use. Soon all of the women will cause brainwashed, simply because it is made nearly impossible to defy the rulesThe Eye is the succeeding(a) highest up and are used as spies to keep the society the way it is and devote sure no one consorts against it. Angels are next because they are men so they are higher then all women. Their traffic is to make sure they are all safe and basically the police force. Men are the only ones who may drive cars, own property, have hope accounts, work, or even read from the Bible or a ny other text. The next highest up is the commanders wife. She has writes and privileges about all other women. auntys are responsible for getting the handmaids ready for their society. They pound the ideas of the new culture into the handmaids head so that when they enter it seems normal. Handmaids are the next class, they are the only women who can reproduce they are forced to have children for upper class couples women are often compromised by a forced versed nature, thereby allowing them to be blamed for problems of conception. Handmaids show which Commander owns them by adopting their Commanders names, such as Fred, and preceding them with Of. I.e. Offred is one of these unfortunate servants who are only right to outlive depends on her ovaries productivity. She lives with her commander and his wife in a highly supervised centre. All female characters in the text are only mentioned in consanguinity to a male owner of some sort. We find out about how women are treated as walk ing wombs when the Red Centre also cognize as the Rachel and Leah Centre. As the basis of the novel it is replicated many times throughout the book, it is found in the family reading before the monthly ceremonies, and in Rachels prayer give me children, or else I die. This really puts emphasis on the threat to the Handmaids life. By failing to produce a child, they will be classed as Unwomen and displace to the Colonies to... ...they train the handmaids. You could tell them what you believed and hope for change. The commanders wife has privileges but a rough deal too because the commander still thinks of her as a woman and not an equal. As the wife I would try to put in his head that not al sex has to be for procreation.As a handmaid or lower options are almost none. You have to make friends and trusted allies to make a difference. There is strength in numbers, but it would be shrill that it remain secretive. But in the end I think its hopeless for them in the society they are in. I think The Handmaids Tale is a chair warning to modern society, Atwood underlines that all the points in her novel have occurred in the world previously, and if a half truth establishes itself, it could take place again. It would be rugged to know who to trust because of the eye. But I think that their society would not let any women be in a position of power over a man so women can be more trusted. The angels would not be able to be trusted because the young guys are to stead close on their principals and can do irrational things. Your best bet would be to make friends with all the commanders.
Dams :: essays research papers
Many people nursealready dammed a small stream victimisation sticks andmud by the time they become adults. Humanshave used dams since early civilization, becausefour-thousand years ago they became aw be thatfloods and droughts affected their well-being andso they began to found dams to protect themselvesfrom these effects.1 The basic principles of damsstill apply today as they did before a dam mustprevent water from being passed. Since then,people have been continuing to build and perfectthese structures, not knowing the full intensity oftheir side effects. The hindering effects of dams onhumans and their environment heavily outstrip thebeneficial ones. The paragraphs below will provethat the construction and presence of dams alwayshas and will continue to leave devastating effectson the environment roughly them. Firstly, tounderstand the thesis people must know whatdams are. A dam is a barrier built across a watercourse to dedicate back or control water flow. Damsare classif ied as either storage, merriment ordetention. As you could probably notice from itsname, storage dams are created to collect or holdwater for periods of time when there is a surplussupply. The water is then used when there is alack of supply. For usage many small damsimpound water in the spring, for use in the summerdry months. Storage dams also supply a watersupply, or an improved habitat for fish and wildlifethey may store water for hydroelectricity as well.2A diversion dam is a generation of a commonlyconstructed dam which is built to provide sufficientwater pressure for pushing water into ditches,canals or other systems. These dams, which arenormally shorter than storage dams are used forirrigation developments and for diversion the ofwater from a stream to a reservoir. Diversiondams are mainly built to lessen the effects of floodsand to trap sediment.3 Overflow dams aredesigned to keep back water which flow over thiercrests, because of this they must be made ofmaterials whic h do not erode. Non- overflowdams are built not to be overtopped, and they may intromit earth or rock in their body. Often, twotypes of these dams are combined to form acomposite structure consisting of for example anoverflow concrete graveness dam, the water thatoverflows into dikes of earthfill construction.4 Adams primary function is to trap water forirrigation. Dams help to decrease the severity ofdroughts, increase agricultural production, andcreate new lands for agricultural use. Farmland,however, has its toll river bottomlands flooded,defacing the fertility of the soil. This agriculturalland may also result in a loss of natural artifacts.Recently in Tasmania where has been pressure
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Patricia MacLachlans Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and Tall :: Biography Biographies Essays
Patricia MacLachlans Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and TallBeyond MacLachlans basic interest in creating a good childrens novel in Sarah, Plain, and Tall, she also has a very personal investment in connecting her story and its characters with the many facets of her personal experiences family, her beliefs, and her biography.It suck inms odd that an notwithstanding child, from an intact family, would have the insight to write so detailed about the feelings of loss and a blended family. When asked Do you think a family means a sire, and a father, and a child? Surprisingly, MacLachlan replied, No, I dont think that. And I never had. MacLachlan went through a time when her own mother had Alzheimers disease and was losing her memory. MacLachlan stated, In a sense, she was leaving me, though not because she wanted to. (Author Information Her characters Anna and Caleb feel that same sense of loss as they remember their mother and learn to accept Sarah. MacLachlan f elt there were extended people who became your kind of parents. For a lot of children she was their mother/grandmother surrogate. We (MacLachlans family) are very strongly connected, my children, myself and even my nieces and nephews. What I am most concerned about is who we are as family and how we effect each other. I didnt have brothers or sisters, and this whitethorn be where it came from. (Author Information It is now easier to see how Anna and Caleb are so willing to take Sarah into their own family. The characters in the book dont fall to who was a part of their original family, but instead like MacLachlan, focus on how each character effects each other.MacLachlan also wrote a series of journal articles on adoption and foster mothers which had a major impact on her life. It was clear to me that much of the focus of my writing was sharpened by my interestingness and concern for families and children. This was partially the basis for her decision to wr ite for children. She spends a lot of time listening to people talk and begins stories in her head.(Author Information It is clear to see that her inspiration came from many sources. What started out as a career in a seemingly separate field, overflowed into what is unique and central to the themes of her writings today.To understand the ambit of the book Sarah,
Patricia MacLachlans Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and Tall :: Biography Biographies Essays
Patricia MacLachlans Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and TallBeyond MacLachlans basic please in creating a good childrens novel in Sarah, Plain, and Tall, she also has a rattling personal investment in connecting her story and its characters with the many facets of her personal experiences family, her beliefs, and her biography.It seems fishy that an only child, from an intact family, would have the insight to write so detailed about the feelings of loss and a blended family. When asked Do you think a family operator a begin, and a father, and a child? Surprisingly, MacLachlan replied, No, I dont think that. And I never had. MacLachlan went through a time when her own mother had Alzheimers disease and was losing her memory. MacLachlan stated, In a sense, she was leaving me, though not because she wanted to. (Author Information Her characters Anna and Caleb feel that same sense of loss as they take to be their mother and learn to accept Sarah. MacLachlan fel t there were extended people who became your kind of parents. For a lot of children she was their mother/grandmother surrogate. We (MacLachlans family) are very strongly connected, my children, myself and even my nieces and nephews. What I am most concerned about is who we are as family and how we effect each other. I didnt have brothers or sisters, and this may be where it came from. (Author Information It is now easier to see how Anna and Caleb are so willing to take Sarah into their own family. The characters in the book dont cling to who was a part of their original family, but instead like MacLachlan, focus on how each character effects each other.MacLachlan also wrote a series of journal articles on adoption and foster mothers which had a major impact on her life. It was turn over to me that much of the focus of my writing was sharpened by my involvement and concern for families and children. This was partially the basis for her decision to write for chi ldren. She spends a lot of time listening to people talk and begins stories in her head.(Author Information It is clear to see that her inspiration came from many sources. What started out as a career in a seemingly separate field, overflowed into what is unique and central to the themes of her writings today.To witness the setting of the book Sarah,
Monday, May 27, 2019
Austrian School Cost Essay
Our behaviors and decisivenesss in our daily lives are affected by economicals. When making decisions, we will use economic theories either consciously or subconscious to decide if we will make or reject that decision. The same can also be used to let off our actions and behaviors when making an economic decision to obtain a house. This paper will evaluate how economics affect ones decision to purchase a juvenile house. First, the decision to purchase a new house is considered a large and important decision by many.This is because the prices of houses are usually very high, and consequently purchasing a new house will greatly deplete the savings of an individual. The demand of houses is highly price elastic. Economic theories state that the larger the affinity of income a certain purchase asks, the more price elastic the demand will be. In the case of the purchase of a new house, it will require the spending of a large proportion of an average persons income, hence this will g reatly lower the purchasing power of the individual when the decision is made to purchase the house.Furthermore, buying a new house will require people to shift from a familiar environment to a less(prenominal) familiar environment and this can be a life-changing experience which may be scary to some. Hence, these are all factors which make the purchase of a new house a very difficult decision to make. There are various principles of economics that can be applied to a decision to purchase a new house. First, one of the principles will be that of trade-offs which people have to face. Every decision comes at a cost.In this case, the decision to purchase a new house will deplete people of a large proportion of their savings. The tradeoffs which they face will be alternatives which they get to enjoy with the same measure of money. For example, the same amount of money spent on a new house can be used on sending a pincer to university, going on a long holiday or purchasing a new vehicl e. I have to remember even though the APRs may be low and I have my down payment or even if I am using HUD as a archetypal time buyer to eliminate closing cost or no fees at all there may still be one depending on my situation.Purchasing a new stand is a big step not only the financial part of if but also the area I chose and the economy at this point and time. I must think ahead to how the economy will be now and later, as well as the accommodate area I chose. Will the neighborhood be a good choice for my kids, and will my house be a smart investment in terms of efficiency and equity? I need to determine if a recession will place my decision in purchasing a basis the wrong time to buy.A recession could cause job lose and no income to pay my mortgage or even placing me in default to nurse out a loan on my home. Taking a loan on my home to make ends meet would cause me to pay double for my home and never actually own it. Tradeoffs are important when purchasing a new home because you have to be willing to give up unhomogeneous items to get where u want to be, extra expenses are not a good idea when purchasing a new home.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ego and Super Ego in Dante’s Inferno
Catherine Craven GHUM200, Tu/Th 1225 October 23rd, 2012 Comp are the relationship amidst Virgil and Dante in the pits with Sigmund Freuds discussion of the conscience or super-ego in Civilization and Its Discontents. How does Freud explain and characterize the relationship among super-ego and ego in the individual? Cite examples of the interaction betwixt Virgil and Dante and compare closely with Freuds discussion of the psychical agencies, super-ego and ego To what extent does the dynamic between Virgil and Dante illustrate the same pattern or features? Freud meets Dante swelled head and Super-Ego in InfernoIn his book Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud offers an explanation for why, as individuals, we tend to punish ourselves with guilt, often times in response to menial things. This explanation has led to the ideas of the ego, and the super-ego. fit to Freud, one is responsible for our actions and how the world views us, charm the other acts as a watchdog, or a n authority, in times of wrongdoing. An example of these two concepts is the relationship shared between the characters Dante and Virgil through with(predicate) prohibited Dantes poem, The Divine Comedy Volume 1 Inferno.This relationship consists of an authoritative guide and a sinful follower, and therefore Dante and Virgil represent the relationship between the ego and the super-ego. In Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud asserts that one of the primary and most important functions of a civilized society is to control the individuals natural impulses towards vulturous behavior. These impulses, according to Freud, are caused by the ego, which is the element within an individual that is responsible for their actions, decisions, ideas, rationalizations, and logical thought.Therefore, the ego thinks things through, and eventually comes to decisions and actions, regardless of whether or non the things decided upon or thought about are deemed as bad by society. Furthermor e, the ego seeks to parry any kind of pain or suffering, and instead seeks out shipway to gain personal happiness. However, According to Freud, the super-ego exists as a way to level out the ego, and, in a way, keep it in check. Therefore, the super-ego is responsible for an individuals conscience, or, their ability to feel guilt.Freud continues his explanation of these concepts by asserting the idea that the super-ego calls our attention to our own failures and misconducts, and attempts to assist us in learning from them in order to avoid making similar mistakes in the future. Furthermore, the conscience is the form in which the super-ego controls our actions and thoughts, and creates guilt within us. Therefore, the ego is the decision-making, acting part of an individual, while the super-ego acts as the egos voice of authority and control (Freud).Moreover, the relationship between the characters of Dante and Virgil in Dantes Inferno stands as an excellent example of the relation ship between the ego and the super-ego. In the opening of the poem, the character of Dante finds himself lost in a place he does not know, surrounded by terrifying beasts. In this dark moment, Virgil, a fantasm from an earlier time, comes forwards and reveals to Dante that, because sin has obstructed his path to God, he must tour through hell and purgatory in order to re flip to life, as he once knew it. This journey, according to Virgil, would allow Dante to overcome his sin and, at last, find Gods love.However, Dante does not believe he toilette complete the journey alone, at which point Virgil assures Dante that he will guide him throughout the entire voyage. Virgil takes on the role of Dantes guide very naturally, and starts him on his trip through hell. Throughout the journey, Virgil makes sure that Dante is witness to the all of the horrible punishments that evil receives in hell, and what will be his fate if he does not return to the path of God. However, Virgil does not o nly physically guide Dante through the circles of hell, but also reinforces the moral lessons that he must learn from all of the things he sees.Furthermore, Virgil acts as a guardian over Dante, keeping him safe from evil creatures, such as demons and monsters, although he does allow Dante to make decisions and learn lessons the hard way often. Furthermore, the relationship between Dante and Virgil can easily be compared, and made almost parallel to the relationship between the ego and the super-ego. Without a doubt, the ego in this situation is Dante. This can be seen in the way that Dantes actions before his journey led him to stray from his path to God. As the ego, Dantes sinful thoughts eventually led to sinful actions, which in turn led to Virgils intervention.Also, Dante chooses to complete the journey through hell because he wants more than anything to rid himself of his sins and start over with Gods love. This embodies the ego because it seeks out happiness, and attempts to avoid any kind of suffering. Moreover, Virgil represents the super-ego, and fully epitomizes the watchdog label that Freud gave to the term. For instance, the super-ego forces the ego to recognize failures, which causes guilt. In turn, the ego is given a better understanding of what it has through with(p) wrong, and is more easily able to correct fault.Virgil plays this role in the way that he confronts Dante about the sinful life he has led, and then takes him through hell, thusly allowing him to see what he may become, and motivate change within him. Another example of the two characters representing the ego and super-ego is the way that Dante sympathizes with some of the sinners in hell, and Virgils reply to it. As Dante interacts with the sinners and shows them compassion, Virgil does not stop him. However, Virgil is extremely impatient with Dante, and even more disapproving towards him.In these situations, Virgil plays the part of the super-ego by allowing Dante to make his own decisions and act on them, while simultaneously trying to moralize him by causing incredibly guilt. Eventually, Virgils actions work in his favor, and Dante realizes that he is not helping the sinners, but merely waste his pity on them. This is a perfect example of the super-ego using guilt to force changes it feels are necessary on the ego. In conclusion, Freuds ego and super-ego are clearly embodied by the characters of Dante and Virgil in Dantes Inferno.The character of Dante begins the story as a sinful man who is not only in need of guidance, but that also very much desires to find Gods love and create a happier life for himself. The character Virgil then seeks him out in order to help and guide Dante through a journey of moral lessons and reality checks, using the power of conscience and guilt, as opposed to force. Therefore, the relationship between the ego and the super-ego is clearly illustrated in the relationship and journey of the characters Dante and Virgil in The Divine Comedy Volume 1 Inferno.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Caregiver’s Story
Sarah (Sharon Cuneta), a grade school English teacher, joins the 150,000 Pinoy OFWs working in the United Kingdom to support her husband, slip (John Estrada), in making a better living for their family. More than just a chronicle of the Filipino perplex working as nurses and caregivers in the U. K. , this story also charts Sarahs journey to self-discovery from a submissive wife who makes sacrifices to make way for her Teddys aspirations to an empowered woman who dresss dignity and rob in a humbling job as a caregiver in London.The story begins as Sarah says goodbye to her familiar world. After finishing an arduous course in caregiving, she bids farewell to the Grade 5 classroom where she teaches English. She buys a winter coat for her son Paulo (John Manalo) and promises he will use it once she toilette afford to take him to London. In typical Pinoy fashion, she shares tearful goodbyes with her whole family at the airport when she finally leaves for the United Kingdom. Sarah a rrives in London. At their apartment, she and Teddy share a passionate reunion.In a honeymoon mood, he takes her to the beautiful sights around London. While window-shopping at a famous mall, Sarah meets Sean (Makisig Morales), a spunky Filipino boy, as he tries to shoplift chocolate bars. After the initial fleeting period of excitement, she experiences the hard challenges every Filipino caregiver faces every day cold weather, begrimed work and difficult patients. Meanwhile, Teddy also struggles with the daily grind in the hospital where he works. He is stressed and drinks often because he has failed the nursing streak twice.Despite the difficulty of adjusting to London life, however, Sarah faithfully stands by her Teddy. She tries to make the most of the situation by doing her best at work and earns the respect of Mr. Morgan, a blind drunk old man. Teddy is oblivious to her success, however, as he is absorbed in his own problems with work. Sarah finds solace in her friendship wi th Mr. Morgan and his son David, who seems to appreciate her more than Teddy does, and with Sean, who eases her longing for her own son. Tension rises between Sarah and Teddy as the stress of London life takes its toll on their marriage.Because of mounting conflict both at work and home, Teddy decides to give up. He tells Sarah that they are going back to the Philippines. Sarah finds it very hard to accept Teddys decision. She knows that staying in London is the best thing for their family, because returning to the Philippines would only mean going back to the same problems they had before. Will Sarah choose to remain by Teddys side to keep her family intact? Or will she find the strength to stay in London to continue seeking a better life for her son, even if it means losing her marriage?
Friday, May 24, 2019
United States Declaration of Independence and People
PLS201 Reading Notes 1 Concepts of Politics and Ameri open fire Politics canvas Lecture Notes 1, and We the People, chapter 1 Be informative, rigorous, critical. Provide specific, page-indicated references to the text. NOTE1A 15 lines.In chapter one of We the People the authors address the question of how government is made up of the institutions and procedures by which people be ruled in toll of four propositions 1) Different forms of government argon defined by power and liberty 2) Limits on government encourage exemption 3) Expansion of participation in America changed the political balance 4) The goal of governing is having a say in what happens. Organize your paragraph into four or five sentences identifying the main characteristics of these concepts, as established by the authors.The authors present a concept where the amount of power the government holds and how much freedom people possess defines divers(prenominal) forms of government. When comparing a Monarchy versus a Democracy, we can clearly see the differences within the two forms of government. Within a Monarchy, supreme power is bestowed upon one individual whereas Democracy is based on a principle of equality and freedom. The limitations placed upon the government allow the people to have a character in politics while strengthening the principle above.This balance of power gives the people the ability to voice their opinions. Rather than being another person within a society, Americans are citizens who can influence the government in many ways. This expansion of participation lead to more people having legal rights to participate in politics where they can vote, send letters, lobby, and participate in protest marches and demonstrations. All of this ties back to how American Democracy, unlike many other forms of government, aims to give people a voice while developing the meaning behind we the people. NOTE1B 10 lines. In this same chapter one, the following section examines how the iden tity of Americans has changed over time, the impact of transition and race, but in the end, the authors observe, the country still confronts the question of who are the Americans. Explain, please, what is this about, what is at stake, how do the authors explain it. Even though the American government focuses on the principle of equality and freedom and giving people a voice within this government, they still stumble on a simple question of who are the Americans and what defines them.The government faces a perpetual flow of immigrants and increasing ambiguity of racial categories raising challenging questions about politics and governing arrangements. Population growth has also spurred debates on how congressional districts should be apportioned. The paradox of the American identity is that although America is a melting pot of different traditions, ethnic backgrounds, and ideology, there are nevertheless distinctive qualities that define who Americans are. The diversity of citizens created what America became, a country developed from the ideas of equality and freedom. NOTE1C 15 lines.Concluding chapter one, the authors make an interesting declaration, that America is built on the ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy. They then discuss it in terms of four propositions 1) that liberty means freedom, 2) that equality means treating people fairly, 3) democracy means that what the people want matters, 4) that American political values conflict. Okay, now, read it and repeat the main of these concepts, about 3-line each. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, in the Declaration of Independence exemplifies the inalienable rights which is based on the idea that all men are created equal.For Americans, liberty is freedom from government control, and also economic freedom. Going back to the idea of limited powers within government to allow freedom, the people have the right to alter or abolish the government to institute a new one for their safety and hap piness. When thinking in terms of equality, it can be interpreted in different ways. Equality of opportunity allows the people to reach their fullest potential and political equality refers to the right to participate in politics where every person can vote.In entree to this, political authority rests in the hands of the people, also known as popular sovereignty. The idea of majority rule with minority rights also plays a expose role within the government because it allows for the preference of the majority of voters but still protects the interests of the minority. (21) Conflict helps set policies and laws because it considers both sides of any argument and prevents any discrimination against the disabled, elderly, etcetera A NOTE ON FORMATThis is a 1- to 2-page, type indite, single-spaced, font 12 reading note. Write your note where it says text and according to the indicated lines, etc. Your note must reflect you have read and are referring in your writing to the study materi als established for this course unit. All references must be credited by indicating the page bite in parenthesis. Edit your text before printing it. Once you are sure you are done with the assignment, check that your name and date are written above, print it, and bring it to class as scheduled.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Social Justice – Short Essay
In all multicultural classrooms there are concerns of kind Justice for all students. One of the concerns is that all students get a high quality education no matter what their social standing in the world. I offset income and poverty stricken areas it is a concern that students will not receive as good of an education as would a student who attends a school in a wealthier area. This is a concern because the low income schools may not receive as much funding.Low funding in turn give the sack lead to students being taught with out of date material and technology. Another social Justice once in the classroom is for disabled or special demand students. It was common up until the quite recently to send all students with physical and mental disabilities to special education classes. Special education classes separate the special necessarily students from their nondurable peers and there was hardly ever any colonization between the two. There are many students with disabilities that ca n learn in a regular or inclusive classroom.Students with disabilities are often treated differently and this affects the quality of their education. I believe all students should be taught with the best material and technologies available. No matter their race, gender, organized religion ability, each student deserves a high quality education. I think we as a community must make sure that this is possible nevertheless If it means higher taxes or more fundraising. We need to put our childrens future first before all things.Schools districts similarly need to test disabled students to piazza them In the proper learning environment. This would allow all students to get the best possible education for their learning curve. I personally plan to teach In a low Income school district so that I can do my part to help give those students a high quality education. I know I will not be paid as much In this district but In the end I am not going Into teaching to fill my bank account but to fill young minds with the skills and Information to make them future leaders.I plan to utilize both resource available to get better material and technologies for the classroom. There are businesses will donate resources to schools and teachers they feel deserve them. I will work my hardest to enter them that my school and I deserve them. I will also make sure all my students know that I think they are all meet and that no student Is better than another. I feel that In the ND Just as all men should be treated equally, all students should be treated equally.Social Justice Short Essay By miasmas community must make sure that this is possible even if it means higher taxes or districts also need to test disabled students to place them in the proper learning their learning curve. I personally plan to teach in a low income school district so that be paid as much in this district but in the end I am not going into teaching to fill my bank account but to fill young minds with the skills and information to make them think they are all equal and that no student is better than another. I feel that in the
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Effective and prefessioanl communication in nursing Essay
Today, hold backs and midwives in their professional employment need to communicate in many different ways, maintain an open minded attitude that will allow for superior preparation in treat assessments and in commit and erect person centred assistance. They are also required to demonstrate their capacity to think critically about issues, organise ideas logically, take accomplish and reflect on that action to implement continuous improvement in future situations.Emotional intelligence is the foundation for reflective practice therefore the aim of this paper is to outline the immensity of having a clear and concise dread of the skills mentioned and continuously expanding knowledge throughout studies and ensures this continues into and throughout a career in the health care domain. Verbal dialogue is the transmitted information from one to an another(prenominal), or to many, in the form of spoken words or written text (Hillege & Groome, 2007).However, there are many other op tions to transmit information if verbal parley does not benefit the situation. Non-verbal forms such as touch, facial expressions, posture, gait, gestures, sound and a persons subjective info are also forms of communications which are vital to the medical scope. I feel strongly towards the importance of recognizing all areas of communication and believe non-verbal communication is facilitative and can bare more truth condescension what the verbal language indicates. Nurse- diligent interaction is the pulse of nursing(American Society of Registered Nurses, 2007). Verbal communication is used extensively when providing care, however, when verbal transitions not clear due to language barriers, other avenues of gaining information prerequisite be sourced. Awareness of this in nursing practice, together with skilled detection to decipher and piece together a patients source of distress by acknowledging what messages the body is convening and what is being said and with that to tr eat the patient tellingly.Lewis & Foley (2010) verbalise that there are many aspects to conducting a health assessment. Two of these are preparation and collecting selective information. I feel that the involvement in understanding and performing these assessments correctly is more complicated than I initially thought. The patients biographical data, subjective dataand the equipment needed for the nurse to collect such information must all be considered in preparation for the assessment to be precise, paramount and to maintain the person centeredness towards the patients own ego values.Nurses and midwives need to show respect to the patients holistic health (Blackman, 2010). By keep backing this concept to my nursing practice, it will help me to develop an accurate health assessment. Person-Centered care sees that the patient plays an equal part in planning, developing and assessing their care plan to make sure it is concise with their call for (Dempsey, 2009). It involves cons idering the patients holistic health and favorable determinates and putting patients and their families at the center of alldecisions. I feel that it is imperative that the patient feels secure and respected by the health care professionals that take hold instilled trust through their own emotional intelligence. Modern day demands of nursing depend on the skills of emotional intelligence which then achieves person centred care (American society of Registered Nursing, 2007). By applying these concepts in my daily nursing practice I am working towards gaining the most positive foundation for an individuals care to take place with positive outcomes. place and expression show sincerity towards a patient.Appearance, facial expressions, attitude, ability to listen and remain silent allowing the patient to talk openly indicate professionalism and show a nurses behaviour to the patient (Lewis & Foley, 2010). I feel that these are important skills to develop as a health care professiona l. It is critical as a nurse that we are aware of our non-verbal language and that it portrays a message that complements the verbal communication.Non-verbal interactions play a vital role in nurse-patient perceptions (Blackman, 2011). Displaying neutral expression is not incorrect, instead it can allow for appropriate expression inside the zone of helpfulness. When interacting with patients in the clinical moving picture I now know the importance of maintaining professional demeanor towards them. Lewis and Foley (2010) stated that through stages of life, consideration and opinion of ones self is developed through a combination of others attitudes and the internalised understanding of ideal self. These factors can consume positive ornegative effects on the development and stability of self-concept. I feelthat it is important to recognise a persons sensitivity to influence on both the care giver and receivers end. Influences are ever changing depending on a persons faith, socio-ec onomical positioning, interpersonal relationships and emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence has freehanded in popularity among nurses over the last two decades, generating interest both at a social and professional level (American Society of Registered Nurses, 2007). I, as a nurse, must have emotional intelligence in order to reflect it back on patients, thus stimulating their own positive self-concept and avoiding emotional down get over which could have otherwise caused them to suffer inadequate care.As nurses and midwives we must demonstrate confidence in understanding that the specific data that needs to be self-contained underpins the decisions and actions in creating a health care plan for on a patient (Dempsey & Wilson, 2009). It is critical to remain free from prejudice in the clinical scene and consistently motivate an individuals needs and put ethical principles into action.I now feel more aware that my prejudicial judgments can have acute impacts on an individu als self-concept. Leiniger (1988) stated that nurses must acquire knowledge of the others culture in order to provide care that is culturally congruent for the client. Freedom of prejudice enables nurses to seek new information to broaden understanding thus obtaining correct insight to tailor individual action planning that suits the needs of the patient.A nurses primary responsibility is conducting a health assessment and collecting patient data (Lewis and Foley, 2010). During data collection, elements of critical thinking engraft the determinants for the action to follow. I feel nervous that, my initial assessment on a patient will determine the proceedings of the action plan toward the patients sermon and it is expected that nurses demonstrate the knowledge and ability to grow and gain further knowledge through clinical practice and reflection.American Society of Registered Nursing (2007) stated that nurses should develop skills to assess patients responses to the illness. Furt hermore, every patient differs and has different attitudes on various issues of life and has various levels of understanding and coping capabilities. Knowing the essential elements of critical thinking that underpin nursing assessments and applying them in clinical judgments enables me as a student nurse tohave the confidence to conduct assessments and collect data correctly.Lewis and Foley (2010) pointed out that professional registered nurses or midwives are expected to be able to analyse his or her own practice through reflection. Self-awareness is the foundation of reflective practice thus identifying nurses own needs and seeking supportive networks encourages professional growth and heightened self-awareness. I feel that reflective practice is paramount for any nurse and accoucheuse of any level of experience so that patients needs are always met with modern effective treatment and a high bore of care. Today, emotional intelligence is probed as an important characteristic of b uildingsuccessful nursing leadership and enhancing performance (American Society of Nursing 2007) and is now recognised as a requirement for formal authority to practice under the registration, therefore, vitalizing nursing conduct and reducing job related stress. Understanding the importance of reflectiveness, I can implement this practice into my studies and continue practicing into my nursing career. Nurses and other health care professionals must recognise the importance of understanding the fundamentals discussed above and apply them in the health care industry, implementing them precisely to ensure that the focus is on the patients holistic health.This ensures that the patient feels informed, empowered by superior communication that places them at the control centre of the decision making of their treatment and ensures that the most positive foundation for an individuals care is established, resulting in a positive outcome. Reflecting on that outcome, despite it being positive or negative, constructing continuous improvement and implementing those improvements in future similar scenarios further down ones career line, assists a nurse to ensure effective communication takes place at all times.ReferencesAmerican society of registered nurses, (2007). Emotional intelligence in the nursing profession. Journal of nursing. Retrieved from http// Blackman, R. (2010). Understanding culture in practice Reflections on an Australian Indigenous nurse. Contemporary Nurse A journalfor the Australian Nursing Profession, 37, (1), 31-34. Dempsey, J. (2009) Introduction to nursing, midwifery and person- centred care Definitions of nursing and midwifery.In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege & V. Wilson (Eds.), bedrock of nursing and midwifery A person-centred approach to care (p. 6).Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Dempsey, J & Wilson, V. (2009) Thoughtful practice Self-awareness and refection. In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege & V. Wilson (Eds.), Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery A person-centred approach to care (p. 244-246). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Dempsey, J & Wilson, V. (2009) Thoughtful practice Clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, Actions and the processes of care. In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege & V. Wilson (Eds.), Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery A person-centred approach to care (p. 260-262). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Hearne, C. (2009). Self-concept. In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege, & V. Wilson (Eds.), Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery A person- centred approach to care (p. 440-442). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hillege, S & Groome, M. (2009). Communication. In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege & V. Wilson (Eds.), Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery A person-centred approach to care (p. 119-120). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Lewis, P., & Foley, D. (Eds), (2011). Collecting subjective data. In P. Lewis & D.Foley, Weber & Kellys health assessment in nursing (1st Australian and New Zealand edition) (p. 10-11). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Lewis, P., & Foley, D. (Eds), (2011). The nurses role in health care assessment Collecting and analyising data. In P. Lewis & D. Foley, Weber & Kellys health assessment in nursing (1st Australian and New Zealand edition) (p. 6). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Lewis, P., & Foley, D. (Eds), (2011). Analysing data using critical thinking skills. In P. Lewis & D. Foley, Weber & Kellys health assessment in nursing (1st Australian and New Zealand edition) (p. 51-52). Sydney, Australia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Role of Youth in Realizing Dreams of Abdulkalam
A computer ne bothrk is a tele confabulations network that allows computers to exchange selective information. The physical tie-in between networked computing devices is established using either argument media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet. Network devices that originate, route and terminate the data are called network nodes. 1 Nodes washbowl entangle hostssuch as servers and personalized computers, as well as networking hardware. Two devices are said to be networked when a process in one device is able to exchange knowledge with a process in a nonher device.Computer networks support applications such as introduction to the World Wide Web, shared use of application and warehousing servers, printers, and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications. The remainder of this article discusses local field of view network technologies and classifies them according to the following characteristics the physical media apply t o deport signals, the communications protocols apply to organize network traffic, along with the networks size, its topology and its organizational intent.The communication media used to link up devices to form a computer network take on electrical line of reasoning (HomePNA, place line communication, G. hn),optical fiber (fiber-optic communication), and radio waves (wireless networking). In the OSI model, these are defined at layers 1 and 2 the physical layer and the data link layer. A widely-adopted family of communication media used in local area network (local area network) engine room is collectively known as Ethernet. The media and protocol standards that enable communication between networked devices everywhere Ethernet is defined by IEEE 802.Ethernet encompasses both wired and wireless LAN technologies. Wired LAN devices transmit signals over cable media. radio LAN devices use radio waves or infrared signals as a transmission medium. Wired technologiesedit The orde r of the following wired technologies are, roughly, from slowest to fastest transmission speed. reprobate rival wire is the most widely used medium for all telecommunication. Twisted-pair cabling consist of copper wires that are twisted into pairs. Ordinary telephone wires consist of two insulated copper wires twisted into pairs. Computer network cabling (wired Ethernet as defined by IEEE 802. ) consists of 4 pairs of copper cabling that can be utilized for both voice and data transmission. The use of two wires twisted together helps to reducecrosstalk and electromagnetic induction. The transmission speed chucks from 2 million bits per second to 10 billion bits per second. Twisted pair cabling comes in two forms un shield twisted pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP). severally form comes in several category ratings, designed for use in various scenarios. concentrical cable is widely used for cable television systems, office buildings, and other work-sites for local area n etworks.The cables consist of copper or aluminum wire ring by an insulating layer (typically a flexible material with a uplifted dielectric constant), which itself is surrounded by a conductive layer. The insulation helps minimize impediment and distortion. Transmission speed ranges from 200 million bits per second to more than 500 million bits per second. ITU-T G. hn technology uses existing home wiring (coaxial cable, phone lines and power lines) to create a high-speed (up to 1 Gigabit/s) local area network. An optical fiber is a glass fiber. It uses pulses of mail to transmit data.Some advantages of optical fibers over metal wires are less transmission loss, immunity from electromagnetic radiation, and very fast transmission speeds of up to trillions of bits per second. One can use different color of lights to increase the number of messages being sent over a fiber optic cable. Wireless technologiesedit Main article Wireless network Terrestrial nuke Terrestrial atom-bomb communication uses Earth-based transmitters and receivers resembling satellite dishes. Terrestrial microwaves are in the low-gigahertz range, which limits all communications to line-of-sight.Relay stations are spaced approximately 48 km (30 mi) apart. Communications satellites Satellites communicate via microwave radio waves, which are not deflected by the Earths atmosphere. The satellites are stationed in space, typically in geosynchronous orbit 35,400 km (22,000 mi) above the equator. These Earth-orbiting systems are capable of receiving and relaying voice, data, and TV signals. Cellular and PCS systems use several radio communications technologies. The systems divide the region covered into multiple geographic areas.Each area has a low-power transmitter or radio relay antenna device to relay calls from one area to the next area. Radio and spread spectrum technologies Wireless local area networks use a high-frequency radio technology similar to digital cellular and a low-frequen cy radio technology. Wireless LANs use spread spectrum technology to enable communication between multiple devices in a limited area. IEEE 802. 11 defines a common flavor of open-standards wireless radio-wave technology. Infrared communication can transmit signals for small distances, typically no more than 10 meters.In most cases, line-of-sight filename extension is used, which limits the physical positioning of communicating devices. A global area network (GAN) is a network used for supporting mobile across an arbitrary number of wireless LANs, satellite coverage areas, etc. The key take exception in mobile communications is handing off user communications from one local coverage area to the next. In IEEE Project 802, this involves a succession of wandering wireless LANs. 6 Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which has more than 18,000 member companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics. 3Bluetooth was st andardized as IEEE 802. 15. 1, but the standard is no longer maintained. The SIG oversees the development of the specification, manages the power program, and protects the trademarks. 4To be marketed as a Bluetooth device, it must be qualified to standards defined by the SIG. citation neededA network of patents is required to implement the technology and are licensed solo for those qualifying devices. Coaxial cable, or coax (pronounced ko. ?ks), is a type of cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer, surrounded by a tubular conducting shield.M either coaxial cables also have an insulating outer sheath or jacket. The term coaxial comes from the inner conductor and the outer shield sharing a geometric axis. Coaxial cable was invented by English engineer and mathematician Oliver Heaviside, who patented the design in 1880. 1 Coaxial cable differs from other shielded cable used for carrying lower-frequency signals, such as audio signals, in that the dim ensions of the cable are controlled to give a precise, constant conductor spacing, which is needed for it to function efficiently as a radio frequency transmission line.Coaxial cable is used as a transmission line for radio frequency signals. Its applications include feedlines connecting radio transmitters and receivers with their antennas, computer network (Internet) connections, and distributing cable television signals. One advantage of coax over other types of radiotransmission line is that in an ideal coaxial cable the electromagnetic field carrying the signal exists only in the space between the inner and outerconductors. This allows coaxial cable runs to be installed next to metal objects such as gutters without the power losses that occur in other types of transmission lines.Coaxial cable also provides protection of the signal from external electromagnetic interference. Twisted pair cabling is a type of wiring in which two conductors of a single circuit are twisted togethe r for the purposes of canceling out electromagnetic interference (EMI) from external sources for instance,electromagnetic radiation from unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables, and crosstalk between neighboring pairs. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. An optical fiber (or optical fibre) is a flexible, vaporific fiber made of high quality extruded glass (silica) or plastic, slightly thicker than a human hair.It can function as a waveguide, or light pipe,1 to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber. 2 The field of applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibers is known as fiber optics. Optical fibers are widely used in fiber-optic communications, which permits transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths (data rates) than other forms of communication. Fibers are used instead of metal wires because signals travel along them with less loss and are also immune to electromagnetic interference.Fibers are also used for illumination, and are masked in bundles so that they whitethorn be used to carry images, thus allowing viewing in confined spaces. Specially designed fibers are used for a variety of other applications, including demodulators and fiber lasers. Microwave transmission refers to the technology of transmitting information or energy by the use of radio waves whose wavelengths are handily measured in small numbers of centimetre these are calledmicrowaves. This part of the radio spectrum ranges across frequencies of roughly 1. gigahertz (GHz) to 30 GHz. TMicrowaves are widely used for point-to-point communications because their small wavelength allows conveniently-sized antennas to direct them in narrow beams, which can be pointed directly at the receiving antenna. This allows nearby microwave equipment to use the same frequencies without interfering with all(prenominal) other, as lower frequency radio waves do. Another advantage is that the high frequency of microwaves gives the m icrowave band a very large nformation-carrying capacity the microwave band has a bandwidth 30 times that of all the rest of the radio spectrum below it.A disadvantage is that microwaves are limited to line of sight propagation they cannot pass around hills or mountains as lower frequency radio waves can. Microwave radio transmission is commonly used in point-to-point communication systems on the surface of the Earth, in satellite communications, and indeep space radio communications. Other parts of the microwave radio band are used for radars, radio navigation systems, sensor systems, and radio astronomy. ese correspond to wavelengths from 30 centimeters down to 1. 0 cm. Wireless network refers to any type of computer network that uses wireless (usually, but not always radio waves) for network connections. It is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and enterprise (business) installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connecti on between various equipment locations. 1 Wirelesstelecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using radio communication.This implementation takes place at the physical level (layer) of the OSI model network structure. 2 Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM band from 24002480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security. Created by telecom vendor Ericssonin 1994,2 it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. It can connect several devices, overcoming problems of synchronization.Wi-Fi, also spelled Wifi or WiFi, is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves. The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as any wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)802. 11 standards. 1 However, since most modern WLANs are based on these standards, the term Wi-Fi is used in general English as a synonym for WLAN. Only Wi-Fi products that complete Wi-Fi Allianceinteroperability certification testing successfully may use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED trademark.A device that can use Wi-Fi (such as a personal computer, video-game console, smartphone, digital camera,tablet or digital audio player) can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters (65 feet) indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can comprise an area as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves or as large as many square miles this is achieved by using multiple overlapping access points.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 24. Blood
at that place were distant sounds of a fight, the ratty noise of a lamia being torn apart, but my eyes were only equal to see ane thing ?C Bella. She was lying on the ground, crumpled, broken, season the crime syndicate of blood act to grow wider underneath her. The red fluid, spilling, wasting, on the floor, the scent pulsing with with(predicate) the zephyr. The amount was cataclysmic, as individually here and now passed a distinctive, yet intangible, spice of the near delicious aroma left burning lacerations in my aching throat. My knee was placed resolutely in the middle of the puddle, soaking me in her bloodher life. I took a deep confidential information and ignored my longing, my lust, my ravenous desire I focused on the angel.Bella, I soothed her. Youre going to be fine. Unresponsive, detached. A plea entered my interpreter. git you hear me, Bella? I love you. I send a reverent petition to which ever god would answer a creature exchangeable me.Edward, she cr oaked, respond my silent request.Yes, Im here, I declared earnestly.Slow, small, and irregular quantity of tears trickled see her cheeks. It hurts, she uttered mevery speech slight lamentations of grief as her eyes sozzledd tightly.Her talking to plagued and tormented me. I thin b open firenonball along her vibrissa from her establishment. I know, Bella, I know. I shifted my posture to Carlisle. Cant you do anything? I asked him ur quietly, peremptorily.This doesnt look good. I need you to coach yourself for the worst. My bag please, Carlisle reached his hand start.The scentAlices eyes were wild when she passed the bag to him. abide your breath, Alice, it go forrad cooperate, Carlisle declared while grabbing his bag.Alice? Bella questioned in a sustained mournful cry.Alice continued to hold her breath, unable to answer her. Bella, she lamented a sigh silently.Shes here, I assured her. She knew where to find you, I silently thanked Alice as our eyes met for a fraction o f a second.Alice made a slight and quick bend of her head. Not soon enough, her eyes were deep with sorrow.A quick glance around the dwell brought the total devastation and destruction mainstay into focus. The mirror was cockamamie and shiny blood was smeared across the floor and mirrors.My hand hurts, Bella mumbled in an most unintelligible extent, bringing me dressing from my distraction.I know, Bella. some some other scorch mark broke spate my throat as I took in another breath to answer the angel who was lying in front of me.Im about to administer nigh morphine into her system. Her pain should go away fairly quick after that.Carlisle will give you something, it will stop.All the noise, the fighting, the sound of cracking wood, it was all drowned out when a sharp and piercing cry echoed through the Ballet Studio. My hand is burning, Bella shouted, her eyes fluttering, trying to open but were restricted because of the blood.Bella? I cried out, frightened. I mat a great amiable suffering, as her screams were behind torturing me.The morphine should be working.Another loud wail. The fire Someone stop the fire she screamed and moaned in paroxysms of grief.I looked over my shoulder as Emmett was sour target a fire to burn pile ?C but it was nowhere near us. I sullen back to her, going to the source of her first cries. There were perfect teeth imprints on her wrist where a vampire, I growled in rage, had bit her.Carlisle Her hand I yelled in disgust, hoping he might ache a remedy or that I was wrong all together. An icy surge of terror fill my lungs.I watched as his eyes looked over the outline of the mark. He bit her. Carlisle stated in revulsion.A deep breath entered my lungs as her scent rippled set down my flaming throat, the horror entering my body. My shot was obliterated by anger ?C I was seeing red.I cant do it. Edward, you claim to do it, Alice commanded while wiping the blood out of Bellas eyes. Her stare was so intent you would val ue she was trying to force Bella to repair just by looking at her.No, I roared, looking at Carlisle, hoping he would tell me something different.Alice, Bella cried in a low, mournful sound.Edward, if you want her to stay human There may be a chance, Carlisle persisted.What? I begged, not understanding why they wanted me to do it.See if you can suck the venom back out. The wound is fairly clean, Carlisle explained as he stitched Bellas head wound.The shock from this statement was so broad it rooted me to the spot for several seconds.Will that work? Alices throat was obstructed by the fear of losing her friend.I assume it would work the same as a snake bite. I dont know, he includeted. But we rush to hurry. You have to do this, Edward I cant do this for you.The thought of consuming her blood, even if it was saving her life direct pleasure and pain flooding into my body. To taste her would be wrongfallacious. I felt utterly revolt with myself but the temptation was growing. My ve ins felt like they were being filled with acid as I contemplated set her life in more dangerthe liabilityto place her in mortal peril, where she may neer come back to me I felt like I was choking. CarlisleI, I faltered. The thoughts tilted back and forth in my mind like a see saw. I dont know if I can do that, the words were laced with the agony that was consuming me, I felt like I was being strangled, heroic for air.Carlisle was working quickly over Bellas head, pulling a needle through her skin over and over, fasten her up. He looked at my face. Its your decision, Edward, either way. I cant tending you. I have to get this bleeding halt here if youre going to be taking blood from her hand.Bella jerked a quick sharp pull of her body. Another thrust and a suddenly arrested motion as she thrashed against the burning pain in her hand as my mind was step on it for alternatives. Edward she shouted spasmodically. Her eyes flew open and her dark brown eyes darted around in every dire ction until they landed on me.Watching her writhing in burning pain, pain that I remember well, burnt me, like I could feel it too. I could pick out the pain away ?C I could make it all stop ?C but would I take her life in the process?Alice, get me something to brace her leg Carlisle shouted as he was finishing up the stitches on Bellas head. Maybe he should let her become a vampire it would make things a whole propagate easier. Edward, you must do it now, or it will be too late.At his thoughts ?C to think of Bella as a vampire ?C death would be better than thisthislife. Bella was beginning to jerk in raging spasmodic muscular movements, the abrupt motions making her leg flail limply around. Carlisle caught her leg to hold it still.Now, Carlisle lucid in his head. I shot him a furtive look.My fingers wrapped around her tiny and delicate wrist, preventing her spontaneous reflexes, like she was pulling her hand away from a flame. The desire to taste, the agony of the biteevery se cond I bent closer to her my mind tittered on an unstable line of right and wrong. My mind was traveling between two different worlds. Reason, truth, maybe some standard or principle ?C this had to be the solution the right answer. Not proper, awry, not appropriate. The thoughts scattered across my already stressed mind as I bent down further.She thrust against my hold making the prolonged pain of my intense mental suffering grow exponentially. Her breathing was harsh and ragged as her wild yells filled the studio, reverberating finish up the mirrors and walls. My lips touched her skin, the fresh blood soaking into my lips. Hunger. Completely ravenous. I pulled her blood from the bite wound and it rushed into my mouth. The blood was hot and wet in my mouth. Sensitions Id never felt before tingled my tongue, s shutting a sit downisfying warmth down my frozen and dry aching throat. Each second the junky was threatening to take over as he reared his head in appreciation.She scream ed and lashed, struggling to get away from my grip. I knew it was infliction her, but my instincts had taken over, I held her tighter, intensely eager to devour the palatable, savorydelectableI well-tried not to moan in pleasure. The luxuriant fullness that had consumed me brought intense satisfaction. I was ultimately determined to get into her, to have all of her, as I sucked down the blood in large gluttonous amounts.I could feel her becoming limp in my strong grasp as I continued my spending of her gratifyingly warm, redcrimson blood.Edward, Bella mumbled incoherently, bringing me from my frenzy ?C like a soft voice had just whispered in my ear.Edward Pleaseplease dont toss off her. Stop Alice cried in her mind, not wanting(p) to scare Bella. Hes right here, Bella. Her voice trembled slightly, her visions showing her an unsure course.Bellas eyes rolled in her head like marbles on an unstable surface. She was dying. With a stupendous effort I let go, placing her hand down g ently, forcibly reminding myself of her delicate nature. The dazzling sunlight of the day bathed the studio with a natural light, making the pool of blood glitter.Bella was silent and limp, her heart barely pumping the little amount of blood that was left in her body. Did I kill her? I felt like mortal had just stabbed me in my heart. Would this be her brutal ending? I felt a horrible compression in my chest at my thoughts. They placed an unforgivable trust in me I looked at her intently, waiting for another reaction with increasing desperation. She took an unsteady breath ?C the small cry of pain still present. I was devoutly thankful to whatever god had been watching over her this morning.Stay, Edward, stay with me She barely breathed. I sighed heavily at the beautiful angel voice.I will, I promised, the stress of the situation still evident in my triumphant voice. I put her words on repeat in my mind, realizing even though I put her in this danger and almost sucked her dry of li fe, she still loved mestill wanted me to stay with her. I brushed my hand lightly against her cheek.A small sigh escaped her lips, her pain obviously dulling as her eyes closed lightly.You didnt kill her, Carlisle thought proudly. Is it all out? he checked.I didnt kill her. The relief was so exquisite it was close to pain. The acheanxiety, my oppression was slowly dissipating. Her blood tastes clean, I breathed a sigh of relief. I can taste the morphine.Lets make sure before we take her to the hospital. The morphine might be covering up the pain. Bella? Carlisle called out, bringing Bella from an almost slumber.Bella didnt bother to open her eyes, her body lying limp on the ground. Mmmmm?Is the fire deceased? Carlisle stared at me, waiting for the answer.Bellas voice was slow and sluggish. Yes, she sighed. Thank you, Edward.I felt a profound step of warmth radiate from my body. I love you, I breathed in deep affection. To taste something so sensational and be able to stop I sighe d, the benevolent reverence I had for her grew suddenly, like she was noble in nature.I know, she breathed once more, her words becoming incoherent with sleep.At her words ?C her almost sarcastic words, a low chuckle escaped my lips. The sound was doused in relief.Did you see her buzz off? Is she dead? Carlisles face looked grave. We both listened for a moment, trying to hear a heart beatsomeone breathing, but there was nothing. I shook my head.Bella?Her lips twitched into a frown. What? she mumbled.Where is your mother? he asked.In Florida, she sighed. Then her face barely distorted in anger. He tricked me, Edward. He watched our videos.I gritted my teeth in anger, the reminder of James came to the forefront of my mind as I looked over my shoulder at the rapidly growing flames that were slaughter up the walls of the studio.Alice. Bellas eyes fluttered and failed to open. Alice, she called again. The video ?C he knew you, Alice, he knew where you came from, her voice drifted off weakly. I tonicity gasoline, she added quietly.This building is going to be up in flames shortly, we need to leave. Its time to move her, Carlisle looked at me. Can you carry her? You must be careful not to hold her too tightly. We dont want her ribs protruding into her organs.I nodded my head.I want to sleep, Bella protested.You can sleep, sweetheart, Ill carry you, I tried to soothe her as I brought her gently into my arms, like she was a delicate soap bubble. Shes more fragile than a soap bubble, I laughed internally, the first real signs of the ending danger.Sleep now, Bella, I kissed her lightly on the forehead, the blood unaffecting me in this most relief filled moments.She fell limp in my arms, her eyes shut lightly, like she was in a deep slumber. I emerged from the flames of the studio as Alice opened the car doorway of the Cadillac for me. I slowly set(p) her down in the backseat. I sat beside her, pulling her into my lap. I wanted to keep her as close to me as possible. I looked up through the shining sunlight, where Alice was glittering like millions of tiny facets were embedded in her skin, and noticed the relief on her face also.Wheres Emmett and Jasper? I wondered, catching a glimpse of the Mercedes still position out front.Theyve gone back to the hotel. Im not riding with you, Im going to meet them there. We are going to set up ascenario. I saw in her mind the plan ?C they were going to give away the glass wall of one of the stair wells ?C assureing Bella had fallen down the stairs and through the window, causing her injuries.Will that work? I asked.Yes. She stated while shutting the door and sprinting off in the dark shadows around the buildings.Carlisle was already in the drivers seat, the car starting. I didnt speak, and neither did he during our take to the hospital, though I could always hear his thoughts.I guess the glass from the window and falling down stairs could account for her injuries. Hum Alice is truly clever.I cant believe Edward was able to stop when Bellas blood calls to him so absolutely.Two lefts and a rightWe pulled into the emergency room lane, Carlisle helped Bella out of the car and handed her back to me. I carried her through the large glass doors as they slid open for me automatically. The go down on at the front desk stood immediately, gasped at the mess of the blood, her thoughts becoming panicky, and ran to get help. Soon there were doctors and more nurses running through the halls, all ready to help her. It pained me to see the slowness that they moved, though their pace was particularly fast considering they were just mere humans. I brushed her face lightly as I placed her on the gurney.My names Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I would like to help in any way that I can. She is like family to me, Carlisle spoke quickly to the doctor on duty.I knew he was beginning to feel this away about her, but he had never thought or said that statement out loud. She was family, though. To see all of the Cull ens, even Rosalie, ban together to protect the one fragile human that I loved so deeply made me realize that maybe she was my plentythat even after tasting her blood, I was able to keep her alive.I shook my head. It was idiotic to think that way. I would have never tasted her blood if it werent for me putting her in danger in the first place. This was tout ensemble my fault. She was being rushed to surgery because of me. Her bones are brokenshe was bit by a vampire Each thought was a struggle, I saved her, but she wouldnt have needed saving had I never invited her into my secret life.Another thought. When I left Forksif I never returnedshe would be dead now. I saved her The booking between right and wrong was taking over my body as I sunk down into the nearest chair and waited for some news.A couple of very long proceeding later Alice came prancing through the doors, exultant at her prized display of a fake accident, her eyes were reminiscent.Carlisle came bursting through the m onumental sinlessness emergency doors.We need permission from her mother or father before she can have surgery.Already done, Alice trilled. She should be calling the hospital in terzetto seconds.Suddenly the phone rang and the nurses station picked up.Hold on just one minute, Mrs. Dwyer, the nurse pressed the hold clit and indeed another button to send the call back to the doctor on duty.Thats my cue, Carlisle said. Ill keep you conscious. He turned on his repair and walked smoothly and gracefully through the doors sending an everything will be all right, thought my way.I sighed and sank down into a chair. I sat still for an hour. A very long hour. I still hadnt get from the shock of seeing Bella in such a broken state as I sat there frozen and unmoving. Hate and revulsion were there, squarely in my chest, reminding me of the monster I am. I sat there, silent and unmoving ?C rigid as a wax work while the battle raged inside me. I kept turning cold thinking about what would have happened if I hadnt shown up. I shuddered.Another hour passed, and this one was longer than the first. I begged the earth to crack open and swallow me whole. Alice didnt say anything, just sitting quietly next to me, realizing it wasnt a good time to talk. I hoped to deflect any invitation to join into a conversation with her. Alice continued to gaze dreamily out the window. I heard feet racing down the hall way and I looked to my right as Carlisle busted through the big white emergency doors to report on how Bella was doing.Shes going to be fine. She will be out of surgery shortly. There was a lot of damage to her leg, but they were able to fix it. She should have no permanent damage, Carlisle informed me, placing his hand on my shoulder, speaking bracing words of comfort. Relax. Ill show you where her room will be.I leapt to my feet. We walked slowly through the hallways of the hospital the walls were bland and off white. There was a sickening smell in the airthe smell of iodine and death. We reached big metal doors to an elevator. Alice pressed the button to go up, already knowing which room we were going to be in. I waited impatiently for the doors to open. Ding. The elevator doors opened to admit us and we all three stepped through them, Alice once again pressing the button, one that said four.I felt a faulting under me as my stone like body was slowing ascending the many floors of the building. Ding. The doors opened to admit us onto the fourth floor, which was just as boring as the first.This way, Alice said.I followed her until we reached room four-oh-eight. I stepped through the threshold. No Bella. I sank down in the chair next to the bed, waiting once again impatiently. I leaned over and put my head in my hands, trying to dislodge the thoughts and feelings that were consuming my body, setting it aflame and then dousing it with cold water. The scent was still strongly present on my hands. I pulled them away to psychoanalyze the damage. There was n o white space, my hands were covered in scarlet blood.A stubby nurse walked into the room. Oh, she gasped. I didnt realize anyone was in here.I looked up at her and she jumped back several feet. His eyesI looked away quickly.Ill just come back she bustled out of the room quickly.Thats right I almost forgot, Alice chimed in.What is it, Alice? I groaned.She tossed me a small white box. I flipped it over in my hands. Contacts. Crap, another reminder, I thought angrily. I went into the bathroom to place the contacts over my bright red eyesbright red because of Bellas blood. All of this because of myneed. It was true, I needed Bella. Would I ever be able to leave her and stop bringing danger to her door step? I fluttered my eye as an obstruction fell over my vision. I could see every line and contour of the wretched thing. I pulled the other contact out to place in my other eye. I brought my face close to the mirror, studying it. I was oddly flushed and more pink than approach pattern m y eye was scarlet red because I was full of human blood. The gleaming red eye reminded me of the monster that I am. I sighed and placed the contact in my eye as my vision became obstructed again.I washed my hands thoroughly, watching the water turn red and run down the drain. I walked out of the bathroom.Much better, Alice said.I heard a squeal of wheels being pushed down the lament floor. Be prepared, Carlisle warned. anguish and anxiety filled my stomach like acid as I stood to open the door, realizing I had less resolution than ever.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A Rose for Emily and Sweat
NameMouri Moumita ID0920605015 1. There is no such occasion as a moral or an immoral parole, Wilde says in the Preface. Books be well written, or seriously written. That is all. Does the novel confirm this argument? Wilde published his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, before he reached the lift of his fame. It was criticized as scandalous and immoral. Disappointed with its reception, Wilde revised the novel in 1891, adding a preface and six raw chapters.The Preface anticipates some of the criticism that might be leveled at the novel and answers critics who charge The Picture of Dorian Gray with world an immoral tale. It also briefly sets forth the tenets of Wildes philosophy of art. Devoted to a school of thought and a mode of sensibility known as aestheticism, Wilde believed that art possesses an intrinsic protectthat it is beautiful and therefore has worth, and thus needs serve no other purpose, be it moral or political. The Picture of Dorian Gray is the story of on e beautiful, innocent young mans seduction, moral corruption, and eventual downfall.We accept our three central characters at the beginning of the book, when painter Basil Hallward and his close friend, cleric Henry Wotton, are discussing the subject of Basils newest painting, a gorgeous young thing named Dorian Gray. Basil and Henry discuss well(p) how perfectly perfect Dorian is hes totally innocent and completely good, as well as being the most beautiful guy ever to walk the earth. Lord Henry wants to meet this mysterious boy, plainly Basil doesnt want him to for some reason, hes afraid of what will happen to Dorian if Lord Henry diggings his claws into him.Reflecting on the course of his past twenty years, he confronts Lord Henry, whom he believes is responsible for leading him astray. Lord Henry gives Dorian a book. Dorian criticizes the yellow book that, years before, had such a deep influence over him, claiming that this book did him great harm. This accusation is, of course, alien to Wildes philosophy of aestheticism, which holds that art cannot be either moral or immoral. Lord Henry says as much, refusing to believe that a book could capture such power.The idea that there is no morality in art, only beauty (or an absence of beauty, in the case of bad art), is the central tenet of a movement known as aestheticism, which sought to relieve literature and other forms of artistic expression from the burden of being ethical or instructive. Wilde himself was associated closely with this creed, as the Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray makes clear. But the novel that follows grapples with the philosophy of art for arts sake in a complicated way. After all, the protagonist suffers from the lessons he has learned from the yellow book that has poisoned him.Lord Henry insists that a book can do no such thing, and we are left to locate how much clean one can place on a book and how much blame must be placed on the reader. Indeed, in one respect, The Picture of Dorian Gray seems to be a novel of extremely moral sensibilities, since Dorian suffers because he allows himself to be poisoned by a book. In other words, he defies the artistic principles that structure the yellow book. One must wonder, then, if there is such a thing as a book without some sort of moral or instruction
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Analysis of Female Characters in Shakespeare’s Othello
ANALYSIS OF adult femaleish CHARACTERS IN OTHELLO In this paper I have tried to analyse the female characters of Shakespe ars Othello in the light of Elizabethan Era, and status of wo manpower in twelfth century, the age from which the character of Othello is taken. I have besides discussed the status of woman in Christianity in Shakespe atomic number 18an times. The main purpose of this reoceanrch article in the analyse the female characters of Othello that they were non different from the real life of Shakespe atomic number 18an times nor alien from the women of 12th Century.Othello a dumb Moor, a warrior, won many battles, becomes a victim of green-eyed monster and conspiracy of Roderigo. Who hates Othello non due to racial prejudice entirely rather jealousy that Othello has won fair Desdemona (1-1) Shakespe atomic number 18s first source for Othello was Un Capitano moro, (A Moorish Captain), ace of the One hundred short stories in the collection. Gli Hecatommithi publis hed by the Italian, Cinthio (web) (1566-Venice). Cinthios story provides the prickerb angiotensin-converting enzyme for Shakespeargons plot although he changed and introduced some minor characters e. Brabantio and Roderigo. In Cinthios possibility Iagos motive for revenge against Othello was that he humpd Desdemona, who out decentlyly rejected his proposal. The tragedy of Othello takes fleck in Venice and Cypress, Iago wasting diseases Desdemona through genus Emilia and inflames a good man with jealousy. In the beginning of the play the seminal fluid of conflict are sown when Roderigo shouts in dark at Brabantios house, the news of Desdemonas elopement that she hath do a gross revolt, Tying her certificate of indebtedness, beauty wit and fortunes.In an extravagant and wheeling stranger Of here(predicate) and e very(prenominal)where Brabontio thinks that it was due to some black magic that was use by Othello, the black moor, we see that there are hints of hostility within the play to the highest degree Othellos Moorish origin and his differences in religion and gardening when Othello relates his story of roll in the hay before the Duke in the Venation Senate and he convinces whole of them that he n incessantly used magic or drugs. Barbantio demands that Desdemona should testify, she affirms her duty to her take (I. iii) (179-180).Who gave her life and education, but asserts she has a higher duty than this to Othello, as he is her husband. My Noble Father I also perceive here a divided duty To you I am bound for life and education My life and education both do look me How to respect you your are the lord of duty I am therefore your daughter but here is my husband. (I. iii. 180-185) Desdemona is presented as a veritable Christian character possessing all the virtues of honourable woman. She respects her grow, admits his love and vows to accompany her husband. She suffers more than any other character of the play.Othello also loves Desdemona from his heart in the beginning and utters it as still that I have the gentle Desdemona, I would non my unhoused free condition Put into circumscription and confine For the seas worth (I. ii. 25-28) The love of Othello is corrupted by Iagos conspiracy and Othello is trapped in his jealousy inflamed by handkerchief plot. His loves turns him mad and he uses the weapon of violence against the fair Desdemona. His hate is so such(prenominal) for Desdemona that he speculates to Lodovico Ay you did wish that I would make her turns.Sir, she turns, and turns and yet go on, And turn again and she kindle weep, sir, weep And she is obedient, as you say obedient, Very obedient. (IV. iii 252-257) Thus Othello implies that Desdemona is available to Lodovico or to any one else, also, because she is as obedient that she can obey any one. What is the significance of handkerchief of Othello? In Othello there are devil accounts of handkerchief, in the first Othello warms Desdemona that his handke rchief is love charm with magic in the web addicted to his mother by an Egyptian.In the record account Othello tells Grantiano it was an antique token/ My father gave my father. Othellos two different versions make readers/audience baffle that which one is true. The fatal handkerchief is very cardinal in the play (Andrews) In the beginning in of the play Desdemona is shown as an adventurous spirit when her husband Othello is called for armed services duty in Cypress, she begs to go with him and cannot think of remaining alone at home without her husband. Even Othello woos Desdemona by telling adventurous stories of actions and danger.She heard all these tales with Greedy ears Desdemona wishes that The leavens had made her a man like Othello (I. iii) Desdemona is very expressive about her love for Othello she is bold and beautiful in expressing her love for Othello even before her father and the duke and she also openly announces that she impart go to Cypress, which shows that she was pretty frank about her sexual desire for her husband. Desdemona suffers much more than any other character of the play. She is a good natured young and beautiful lady ,and possesses all good qualities and Christian virtues.Then why she suffers so much? Shakespearean conveys the possibility that Gods plant in the play, a work that prompts playgoers to believe that she deserves happiness (her taking Cassios case as her own), straightway leads to her death (Hunt 2004). The character of Desdemona is that if an ideal wife as Carroll Camden calls her in Iago on woman (2004). In Othello Desdemona disobeying her, back chatting with Iago (II. i), lying Othello of her death (V. ii), admiring Lodovico as a Proper Man (IV. I) and pressing Cassios suit to Othello.It is important to note that several critics cite Desdemona for violating Elizabethan or Jacobean law and propriety by denying her father and running off with the Moor (Kolin). Desdemona is one the most beautiful heroines of Shak espeare, when Brabantio arrives to confront Othello, he says that if it is impossible that a maid so tender, fair and happy (I. ii 66). Would ever love a scary black man like Othello. Cassio describes her beauty That paragon description and wild fame (II. i), here he means to say that Desdemona is more beautiful than ny possible description of her beauty, more beautiful than the wildest story of any womans beauty. She is indeed the most fresh and delicate creature (II-iii-19). When Othello saw his handkerchief is Cassios hand, Iago encourages Othellos homicidal mood by reminding him that Cassio gave the precious handkerchief to his whore, Bianca. Iago continues to subtly increase Othellos fury through his use of sexual innuendo as he tells Othello that Cassio has the handkerchief and implies that he has confessed to sleeping with Desdemona (Bate & Rasmussen 2009).Othello was still uncertain his disjointed language shows the breakdown of his self-control (IV-i). He falls down uncons cious as Cassio arrives and Iago tells him that Othello has epilepsy, warning that he breaks into savage madness if woken from fit. It is interesting to note in Othello, Shakespeare uses female characters through Iago for the downfall of Othello. The conspiracies are interweave with the help of women. All the three woman characters of Othello and theare used against Othello. It is true that Othello is all male- world- play of Shakespeare.Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca are rejected by their male partners and all three love their men unselfishly, even when confronted by behavior that we would deem grounds for divorce at the very last. All the women are engaged to unequal partnerships. They finger more for their self-centered men than the men are capable for reciprocating. However, the women also display genuine emotions toward distributively other that is not reflected in any of the male characters. Besides Desdemona, Emilia is an important character, she is elder and misanthropica l than Desdemona. She develops a close relationship with the young married Desdemona.They form a bond of relationship everywhere husband trouble. It is interesting to note that Emilias one dishonest act towards Desdemona is the stealing of handkerchief, she did not know the plot of Iago, her act of stealing turns out to have devastating consequences. (IV ) Unfortunately Emilias little theft ends up causing her friends death. Emilia realizes the importance of handkerchief and when she discovers about Iagos evil plot against Othello and she relives the truth. She washes the bad name of Desdemona. She also sacrifices her own life so that Desdemona wont be remembered as a whore.Iago and Emilia are married but their relationship is not based on mutual understanding. Iago always talks trash about woman in general. Emilia is eager to please him. She steals Desdemonas handkerchief in order to please Iago. I nothing but to please his fantasy (III-iiii). She tries to gratify Iagos thirst fo r power and wishes without involving into any evil designs which are in Iagos mind who would not make her husband A cockold to make him a monarch? I should venture purgatory for. (IV-iii) Like Desdemona, Emilia craves for affection. She is very submissive like Desdemona and Bianca.It was common in the Elizabethan woman to be submissive and devoted to male figures whether father or husband. Emilias bitterness boils over in the final scene during which she says that husbands are usually to blame when their wives cheat on them. After all, men cheat on woman all the time. Why shouldnt woman have an equal right to infidelity? Although, Shakespeare wrote Othello in the early 1600s. Emilias monologue is about as close as we find in later feminist manifesto. Third female character is that of Bianca, a Venatian courtier, who is in love with Cassio.Cassio always uses her as a laughable nuisance. Biancas character is very sympathetic and Cassio uses her for his sexual inescapably and treats h er like a garbage. why is she presented as a prostitute in the play? when there are only three woman characters. Actually Venice was famous for prostitution and promiscuity. She is a foil to the chaste and ever fatithful Desdemona. But hardhearted soldier in Othello does not recognize the difference between these women. He is intimately cheated by gentle Iago that Desdemona is having extra-marital sex with Cassio.It is also very interesting that all three woman, Desdemona Emilia and Bianca, are accused at some point or another of being promiscuous Each one of these women are rejected by their male partners. It was an error of judgment on the part of Othello that he was not able to understated Iagos plot to ruin Othello. The woman, especially Desdemona, suffers most in the play. Emilia and Bianca also suffer, and Othello takes revenge and kills Iago when he comes to know about the reality. The play ends with a great loss, the death of Desdemona is the most tragic one, because she wa s the the sweetest innocent/that ever did lift up eye. V-ii). In the fits of jealousy Othello was blind to all love and affections of a human being, he acts like a beast when he says O, she was foul I merely did know your, uncle there lies your niece. Whose breath indeed, these hands have newly stopped. I know this act shows terrific and given(5) Iago stabs Emilia and when Othello was told the truth of handkerchief and Iagos plot by dying Emilia. Who announces the innocence of Desdemona to Othello Moor, she was chaste she love three cruel Moor So come my soul to bliss, as I speak true So speaking as I think, I die, I die. (Dies)Othello was almost mad after crafty the truth, he comes to know that his wife was innocent, when Gratiano enters into the bedchamber he requests him O cursed, cursed salve Whip me, ye devils From the pigheadedness of this heavenly sight Blow me about in words Roast me in sulpher Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire O Desdemona Dead, Desdemona Dead O ( V-II) The agony and remorse of killing was felt at heart by poor Othello, he stabs himself and gives a proof to world that never allow jealousy over come reason and also washes all the stains from the name of beautiful Desdemona. Othello utters his last words I kissed thee ere I killed thee No way but this (falling upon Desdemona) Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. (Dies) ( V-ii) Lodovico, a kinsman to Brabantio, asks Gratiano, Brother to Brabantio. Myself will straight aboard and to the state This heavy act with heavy heart relate (V- ii) References .Andrews, M. C. (2004). Honest Othello The handkerchief once More. Studies in English Literature. camden, C. (n. d. ). Iago on women. Hunt, M. (2004). Shakespeares Religious Allusiveness. ashgate. Kolin, P. C. (n. d. ). Othellonew critical essays. Rasmussem, J. B. (2009). William shakespeare. Palgrave Macmillan.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Fruits and Seed Dispersal
Fruits and Seed Dispersal Nicole Saylor Meiko M. Thompson BIO one hundred fifteen 11/25/12 In this essay I will be answering questions much or less fruit and as to the reason why things argon the way they are First up is some fruits are sweet and some are not is because, Actually, the taste of a fruit depends on the compounds put in it. Normally a fruit contains thematerialslike cellulose, proteins, starch, vitamins, certain acids,fructoseor sugar. All thesematerialsare found in mixed form inside the fruit and they have dissimilar proportions in different fruits.Fruits ofsweet taste have morefructosein themwhereasthefruits ofsour taste have more acids in them. (Gemini Geek) so this means that the more or less acid a fruit has thusly more sweeter or more sour it will taste, and that all means something with no taste rattling to is to say to have no acid , or sugars that would give it a particular taste. The next in line is that the ripening of a fruit and the spill dispersal go devolve in hand in such a way that when a fruit ripens it is a signal from production fashion of a seed to the dispersal of a ripe(p) seed that is ready to become another set out to create the dame cycle over again.To help explain this for example, n dry fruits (cereals, nuts, dandelions) ripening consists of vapor and is considered maturation. Ripening in fleshy fruits is designed to make the fruit appealing to animals that eat the fruit as a means for seed dispersal. Ripening involves the softening, increased juiciness and sweetness, and color changes of the fruit. Fleshy fruits are all climacteric or non-climacteric. Climacteric fruits produce a reparative burst with a concomitant burst in ethylene synthesis, as the fruits ripen. These include fruits with high degrees of flesh softening, like tomato, banana, avocado, peach etc. (Lecture 17)So we see that in this do of ripening and seed dispersal are that it is the plants way of making sure that the seeds that it produce d to carry on and make more fruit plants or trees happens by making the fruit itself more appealing to animals which will at and then later disperse the seeds. The next question to address is how do we play a role in all of this and how do we effect it basically. Well we humans affect this natural process when we take over the land and granted that plants were here long before we were and before animals were.So plants have been sufficient to grow without our aid if fertilizing the soil and etc For example, Unlike colonist plants, the deep forests of our planet are largely self-sufficing from us. They dont need us to prepare the ground or disperse their seeds. Plants, after all, colonised dry land well before animals did, and were doing quite well, on their own, before we arrived. Some kinds of trees need flyspeck help from animals of any sort. Because they dont need our help, these trees have little to gain by sustenance us. This is why we often find that there is relatively li ttle food to be had in mature forests.You cant eat wood. (Kyle Chamberlain) So see plants were reproducing before animals and us but granted when animals came on it did make the seed dispersal process a lot easier. As far as I can see that a seed does not use sugar or starch for its metabolic process unless it developing then yes. Because when a seed is developing it needs these to grow into a mature seed that can be dispersed, but since this seed has become mature and is dispersed then it start increment and producing its own sugars and starches from the light and dark process of photosynthesis.References The Gemini Geek (2012). Why Are Some Fruits lovable While Others Are Sour? Web log post. Retrieved from http//www. thegeminigeek. com/why-are-some-fruits-sweet-while-others-are-sour/ Iowa State University (2012). Lecture 17 Web log post. Retrieved from http//www. public. iastate. edu/bot. 512/lectures/seed&fruit. htm Chamberlin, K. (2012). overturn Ecology The Human Habitat P roject Web log post. Retrieved from https//sites. google. com/site/humanhabitatproject/home/disturbance-ecology
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